Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How To Ride That Heat Wave In Style

By Emily

I think it's safe to say that most of California has experienced one heat wave or another so far this Spring. And by the sound of it, it doesn't seem like we are going to be getting too much of a break as Summer approaches either.

So the elephant in the room, the one in the corner sweating and naked, is vocalizing his inner thoughts and pleading with the fashion gods...what to wear in this heat?? Albeit the practical choice would be to slap on a pair of shorts and a tank, but unless you work at the beach (where hey, many Angelinos probably do), it's not always an option to show up to work looking like sun, sand and surf. (God only know how many work "situations" I have gotten myself into with the ominous "dress code violation." But that's a story for another time. Perhaps at the beach). 

So, how does one battle unseasonably warm weather AND still look profesh?

For one, fabrics and colors are definitely something to think about: thin cottons and light colors, especially whites (yes, there are hundreds!). Linen is a great option too, as it is very breathable. Some designers, thank goodness, will design according to the weather. Alexa Chung in Chanel, and Harley Viera Newton in a peek a boo neon ensemble (both below), do not look like they are sweating the heat at all.

Harley Viera Newton
Alexa Chung
Something else to consider: Take a spin in your closet. Grab that strappy spring dress, throw on a tee (under or over!), and you're office appropriate. Simple tweaks to your already there wardrobe make for great heat/work solutions. Remember to also keep the accessories to a minimum to keep from weighing you down. A simple pair of studs and a bangle on your wrist will keep you classy and cool (temperature wise, but you know you're kewl too).

And finally...stay away from the flip flops! There are countless numbers of cute sandal options out there that will let those toes breath, but don't necessarily scream beach bum.

Stay hydrated! God speed.

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